Typography Canvas

Quick Inexpensive Wall Art

Posted by Chudames


Create beautiful boutique-style wall art for your home in just a few simple steps!

The creation is very simple, and fast.

The longest part of this project will just be waiting for the glue to dry!


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Canvas
  • Spray Paint
  • Fine Tip Black Sharpie
  • Flat Sided Marbles
  • Modpodge
  • Paintbrushes

Steps (4 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Pick your canvas, and spray paint with your desired color. Allow to dry completely (preferably over night).

    Pick out complementing accent flat-sided marbles (these can be found inexpensively at a dollar store, or a thrift store).

  2. 2

    Pick where you would like your words to be, and draw a shape around them (I did a heart), and draw in your quote. I used a lighter sharpie to start, then went over it with black.

    The lettering was inspired by Madeline & Diane Tompkin's alphabet in the book, "Creative Lettering: Techniques & Tips from Top Artists."

    Start gluing down the marbles. To make it less messy, just go row by row.

  3. 3

    Keep filling in your canvas as desired, being sure to use plenty of mod podge, as the marbles will be heavy. Leave on a flat surface. Allow to dry completely before moving (it should now be clear).

    Touch up your lettering if needed.

  4. 4

    Display your finished product!

    Note: This canvas will be extremely heavy, so make sure it is secure.