Cut Out + Keep

Twisted Denim Halterneck Dress... From Baggy Jeans :)

Old jeans to come out and play dress • Posted by Disnerd85

I had some old baggy jeans which I really didn't wear anymore. What to do with them? I turned them into a a backless halterneck pinifore- with a funky twist. The twist was, wear it with the zip on the side, not the front*. Confuzzled? Read on :)...

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 15 1268092634


I had some old baggy jeans which I really didn't wear anymore. What to do with them? I turned them into a a backless halterneck pinifore- with a funky twist. The twist was, wear it with the zip on the side, not the front*. Confuzzled? Read on :)...


  1. Small front 1268092719

    < Old shapeless baggy jeans. Very plain, very baggy and I hadn't worn them in ages...

  2. Small 1 1268092799

    < Get your jeans and decide how short you want them to be. These jeans had deep pockets on the back that I wanted to keep. Where the Red line is, that's where I cut them.

  3. Small 2 1268093030

    < Do this with both legs until you have what resemble shorts. **DO NOT THROW AWAY THE FABRIC THAT YOU CUT OFF! (You'll need it for step 9)

  4. Small 3 1268093114

    < Tidy your edges up, so they match on both legs.

  5. Small 4 1268093172

    < I cut where the Red lines were, until i got to where they met in the middle.

  6. Small 5 1268093247

    < Where the jeans met in the middle of the seam, it was thick with fabric. I cut the square of fabric off.

  7. Small 6 1268093437

    < Open your jeans like in the picture, and pin the Yellow sides on top of the Blue sides, so they make a skirt. You may need to cut some of the Blue side away, if the fabric starts bunching and going a bit crazy :)

  8. Small 7 1268093645

    << Like this. Sew where the Green dotted lines are. Repeat this with the back of the (now) skirt.

  9. Small 8 1268093841

    < **Cut open one of the legs you cut off (ooh-er! Please don't cut off your real legs, it could get quite messy! :P) Cut along where the Red line is, so you should have two pieces of fabric.

  10. Small 9 1268094164

    << Like so... this will be the front (or "bib") of your dress.

  11. Small 10 1268094226

    < Fold over the top of the bib like the arrows show, and measure how big you want it to be. Pin down the fold to the front so you have a tube or tunnel.

  12. Small 11 1268094341

    < Get your piece of ribbon or fabric (This will be the halterneck string part). My ribbon was 86 inches roughly, but I folded it in half so it was roughly half.

  13. Small 12 1268094729

    < Sew the tunnel or tube in (where the Green dotted line is), then thread the ribbon through the tube, so that it comes out of the other side (In the direction of the Purple arrows).

  14. Small 13 1268094985

    < *Now for the twist!! I decided I wanted something a bit quirky, so I decided to have the front of the skirt at the side. The zip (or zipper) is where the Pink arrow is! Turn your skirt to the side, then pin the bottom of the bib to the skirt. Sew where the dotted green line is. -If you wanted to make a back for this dress, use the other leg of the jeans(at the back of the dress) and instead of making a halterneck, sew two straps on to the back. Then add a button for each strap. *Simples* :)

  15. Small 14 1268095271

    < How the halterneck should look :)

  16. Small 15 1268095332

    < The finished pinifore/dress. I wasn't sure if I was going to put any pockets on the bib, as they're in the bottom half. I frayed the skirt part to finish off. I can't wait to wear it in the warmer weather. Bring on spring ^_^