Tuxedo Necklace

Follow these steps

Posted by Jenna C.


Styling Tips:
1. This is the perfect necklace for a very plain outfit. It adds a sort of classy effect!!

Thnx :)


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Ribbed Elastic - Black
  • 1 yd Pleated Satin Ribbon - Ivory
  • 1 Poly Bow - Black
  • 1 yd Gold Chain
  • T Shirt Scraps (we used white)

Steps (17 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Gather Materials and plug in your glue gun.

  2. 2

    Cut a 3" piece of elastic and glue it to your tee shirt scrap.

  3. 3

    Measure your pleated ribbon. You want to cut 4 strips, all at the same length.

  4. 4

    Glue down first piece of pleated ribbon.

  5. 5

    Now glue down the rest of the pleated ribbon strips. We glued three on the elastic and then one more in the middle to give a little lift!

  6. 6

    Place a little bit of glue on the last piece of pleated ribbon. This is where your black poly bow will go!

  7. 7

    Place the black bow over the glue and press for 10 seconds. While it dries, you may want to measure and cut your chain. Measure it around your neck to make sure you can pull it over your head.

  8. 8

    Once dry, flip over the entire piece and line up one side of the chain to where you think it would fit best. Now glue it down!

  9. 9

    Now you want to put some more glue on top of the chain to make sure it stays!

  10. 10

    Do the same with the other side of the chain.

  11. 11

    Now take your other tee shirt scrap square. You want to glue this over the chain. Be very generous with your glue and cover the middle section of the chain side.

  12. 12

    This is what it should look like.

  13. 13

    Here is a front view :)

  14. 14

    Now you want to trim the border of the scraps as shown. Use a very sharp fabric scissor to make your edges neat.

  15. 15

    Cut around the entire rectangle of your tuxedo piece as shown.

  16. 16

    Let it all cool down and ROCK IT!!!!

  17. 17

    Another look at your new necklace...