Cut Out + Keep

Turquoise Burlesque Fan

A dreamy pair • Posted by Holly Deck

I made these fans for an upcoming performance. Again, the worst thing about this project is the cost of the feathers. I had to hunt these ones down on Ebay. The feathers on my last fan fall off occasionally during very strenuous numbers, requiring reattachment. I used a different technique to attach the feathers to this stave. I drilled small holes into the stave, and attached the feathers with jewelry wire. This fan has two layers, a shorter layer of maribou feathers, and a longer back layer of ostrich feathers. You can create a lovely fan with just one layer, but I really wanted this one to be fluffy.

You will need

Project Budget
Getting Pricey


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 003


I made these fans for an upcoming performance. Again, the worst thing about this project is the cost of the feathers. I had to hunt these ones down on Ebay. The feathers on my last fan fall off occasionally during very strenuous numbers, requiring reattachment. I used a different technique to attach the feathers to this stave. I drilled small holes into the stave, and attached the feathers with jewelry wire. This fan has two layers, a shorter layer of maribou feathers, and a longer back layer of ostrich feathers. You can create a lovely fan with just one layer, but I really wanted this one to be fluffy.
