Turning A Lampshade Into Mixed Media Art

My business partner Ann can make art out of anything, including lampshades!

Posted by sarah.trumpp


I hang a lot of art in my house, but less than one per cent of it is my own. When I do display my own work, I like to sneak it in on unexpected surfaces, without taking up precious wall space. For example, my bedside table lamp.

I had an absolute ball turning my lampshade into a piece of functional mixed media art - and you can do the same thing!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Lampshade
  • Art & Craft Supplies
  • Sealant
  • Fabric Paint

Steps (5 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    Prep your shade. If you're starting with a paint base, apply a sparing coat of gesso. If you're starting with papers, glue those down.

  2. 2

    Make your masterpiece! Use anything and everything that you would on any other mixed media piece, whether you traditionally work on canvases or in your art journal.

    I started by attaching various papers followed by anatomical images and a copy of an organ transportation label.

  3. 3

    Since the lampshade sits by our bed, I decided to make this mixed media piece all about our relationship, which is (I confess) a very mushy, gushy affair. I turned the Eyes label into a sort of rainbow, and I plastered the piece with hearts. And I’m really not a heart person!

  4. 4

    I gave all of the neutral areas a quick wash with a warm orangey-yellow

  5. 5

    I used a spray sealant and put it back onto my lamp base where it commands attention even from across the room!