Cut Out + Keep

Trouble Maker Cece Jones Shirt

Funky and Fun • Posted by claycupcakes

As seen on Shake it up episode " shrink it up "

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf0726


As seen on Shake it up episode " shrink it up "


  1. Cut the shirt so it is about half way up your body.

  2. Also cut the neck so the shirt comes of one shoulder.

  3. Using the fabric pastel write the words " Trouble Maker " in capitals.

  4. Put a sheet of paper over and one underneath the design (in between the shirt) this is so the design doesn't come through.

  5. I wore my shirt with zebra print leggings and a sparkly ping top to really shake up the Cece style.

  6. How will you shake it up ?