Cut Out + Keep

Traditional Scottish Tablet...Quick, Easy And Oh So Yummy ^^

Sugary Yummy Heaven • Posted by Little Muffin Cakes ^^

Sorry for the lack of photography peoples, I'll upload images and the video link later ^^

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 08


Pretty Easy
Medium ffdb77 1270342519


Sorry for the lack of photography peoples, I'll upload images and the video link later ^^


  1. Ok so gather all of the ingrediants! 1 Can Of Condensied Milk 1LB Sugar, You can use caster or white, doesn't really matter :P 2 oz butter.

  2. Put everything into a large microwave safe bowl, and with the wooden spoon beat it together( This really hurts your hands xD)

  3. Once it's all well mixed, place the bowl into the microwave. I'm using a 750 watt microwave, so it's gona take me 8 mins.

  4. Give it 4 mins, stir it, put it back in for the further 4 mins, take it out, stir, CAREFULY pour it into a baking tray and allow it to cool. BE VERY VERY CAREFUL! YOU WILL LOSE LAYERS OF SKIN IF THE MIXTURE TOUCHES YOU! D=