Cut Out + Keep

Toast Plush Pillow

a soft, squishy toast that'll keep you company and warm when you hug it • Posted by lilxpanda

i made a toast plush based on aiwa's plush toast keychain. i drew out the outline of the template i was using for the toast keychain, scanned it onto my computer, enlarged to a size i was satisfied with (approx 13x13), and printed out the papers. the lighter part and face were hand-sewn. the rest, i sewed with the sewing machine.

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Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium tumblr mdta3hv3hp1rvcjwco1 500 Medium 175932 10151174498776925 655739911 o Medium tumblr mdta72b8rx1rvcjwco1 500


i made a toast plush based on aiwa's plush toast keychain. i drew out the outline of the template i was using for the toast keychain, scanned it onto my computer, enlarged to a size i was satisfied with (approx 13x13), and printed out the papers. the lighter part and face were hand-sewn. the rest, i sewed with the sewing machine.
