Tic The Intuitive Cowl

TIC The Intuitive Cowl

Posted by Paula PKL


The idea of TIC is to create a piece that is both versatile and stylish. Depending on the way that you place and “tjuz” this cowl, you’ll add a different twist to your look!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Approx 466yds/427m of DK Yarn
  • US 9 / 5,5mm circulars 24”' Circular Knitting Needles
  • 1 Stitch Marker
  • Darning or Tapestry Needle

Steps (1 step, 720 minutes)

  1. 1

    Cast on 240 stitches. Place a marker and join the round taking care not to twist stitches. Start
    knitting the first section:
    x Stitch A:
    Round 1: *k2, p2, * repeat from * to * to end.
    Repeat this round until you have 3 ½”.
    Then the second section:
    x Stitch B:
    Round 1: *k1, yfwd, sl1, ybk * repeat from * to end.
    Round 2: *yfwd, sl1, ybk, k1 * repeat from * to end
    Repeat these 2 rounds for more 3 ½” (at this point you’ll have 7”)
    Then the third section:
    x Stitch C:
    Round 1: *slp, k1, yrn, pass slipped st over (passing it over both sts) * repeat from*
    to the end.
    Round 2: K all sts.
    Repeat these 2 rounds for more 3 ½” (by the end you’ll have 10 ½”)
    Bind off loosely as follows: K2 * return both stitches to left needle and K2 together through
    the back of the loop, K1, repeat from * until al stitches have been bound off.
    Weave ends in an appropriate manner to circular knitting projects.