The Wedding Sweater~My First!

My first ever sweater!

Posted by Kristy W.


So, this is my first sweater. I started it about a year ago, and I can’t tell you how terrified I was by this project. I was worried that when it was completed it wouldn’t fit her, that I wouldn’t be able to put it together correctly, that I would spill something on it. But after all of the stress I must admit that I love the finished project.

Honestly, I think that if I don’t hate a project, no matter what it is, at least once while I’m making it, then I’m not making it right. And I have to say that I hated the hell out of this one. and love the hell out of it now.

The pattern is Stardust from
I altered the pattern for the bride. I lengthened the sleeves and shortened the bottom of the sweater.


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Yarn
  • Knitting Needles
  • Pattern