The Chim Autumn Cape

This is so simple and so easy, but still classy and chick project to do. Im not an expert with sewing machine and I was able to pull this one out., it means that everyone can do this!

Posted by Sallamari



You Will Need (8 things)

  • Snap Button(s)
  • Sewing Machine
  • Pin(s)
  • Scissors
  • quite big piece of Lining Fabric
  • quite big piece of fancy Fabric
  • Measuring Tape
  • Pen(s)

Steps (6 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Thice cape is based on cirkle skirt pattern, so if you have somewhere a cirkle skirt pattern laying around, now it is time to catch it and re-use it!

    so, step one.
    Lay your fabrics down. Fold your fabrics in fouths, so you should now have 4 layers in fabric at one pile. Lay the tape measure on the corner of the fabric aka start point of a circle. Measure down 2 to 2.5 feet (all depends on how large cape you want to do. Mine is 2 feet long and it is very good for my little girl)

    Mark down the desired lenght with a pin.

    Move the tape measure over keeping the end of the start of the circle. Draw a little dotted marks as you co to create a big circle line.

  2. 2

    Cut the fabric. Then place the circle you crated to the line fabric (folded same way as the top fabric instructed in step one). Mark down the cutting line and cut line fabric. Then mark down smaller circle on the top corned of both fabric (2,5 inch long) and cut it, to make a hole for the head.

    Make a slit to one fold of the circle (bot top fabric and line fabric) to make the cape open.

  3. 3

    (this was the hardest part for me, so this instruction is as far away from "professional" instruction as any instuction can be)

    Time to make the collat piece. I used the 2,5 inch diameter circle I cut of from the cape as my start point. I marked the "inner part" of my collar with that circle and just made outher line for collar just a bit larger circle. I used the same circle pattern I use the cape for this collar part too. And I cut it out the same way, only difference is that you have to cut BOTH 2 pieces for collar from outher fabric. (so no lining for collar)

  4. 4

    But both collar pieces together, right sides facing inside. Then cut a kind of a triangle shape piece of from collar (this is the part I used my creativity and just cut the way it felt right) to make the edges of the collar.
    Pin the pieces together and sew the outside edges of collar. Then turn the piece around and round it well. It will look very wonky so you have to use some time and efford to make it nice and round again.

  5. 5

    Find the middle of the collar and match it to the middle of the cape. The collar should end like and inch before the front edge of the cape. Then pin the lining on to the top fabric (at this point you collar should be between the front fabric and lining), leave opening for this pinning so you can then turn the cape trough this hole. Sew the pieces together. Turn the cape right way and topstich the turn hole. Add the buttons. Add any decorations like studs, a bow or ribbons to add some edge and unique fibe to your design.

    That's all, you cape is now ready!

    (as you can see, in my design here the buttoning is slightly out of the center. Not by accident, I just made it that way)

  6. 6
