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Tetris Picture With Perler Beads

Tetris Love • Posted by Courtney

My wonderful fiance made this for me while I was sleeping one night.The funny thing is,is that when I got the Perler beads in the first place he thought they were kinda lame and geeky.Now he loves doing them more than I DO! P.S.He also used glow in the dark beads for part of it.So all the blocks and border glow at night.Too bad I can't get my camera to take a picture of it glowing though :(

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8 h 00


Medium 015 1242968955


My wonderful fiance made this for me while I was sleeping one night.The funny thing is,is that when I got the Perler beads in the first place he thought they were kinda lame and geeky.Now he loves doing them more than I DO! P.S.He also used glow in the dark beads for part of it.So all the blocks and border glow at night.Too bad I can't get my camera to take a picture of it glowing though :(
