Cut Out + Keep

Ten Minute Dress Refashion

Anyone can do this! • Posted by The Renegade Seamstress

OK, so maybe I HAVE been watching too much Mad Men this summer. BUT THOSE DRESSES!!!! I just can’t get enough! I want one…….

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Medium diy 1960s dress 3


OK, so maybe I HAVE been watching too much Mad Men this summer. BUT THOSE DRESSES!!!! I just can’t get enough! I want one…….


  1. Small diy mad men dress

    Start with a long thrift store dress. This dress was knit and didn't have a zipper. First look in the mirror and pull the dress up until you get the desired hem length. Mark with safety pins where you would like the bottom of the bodice and the top of the skirt.

  2. Small diy mad men dress2

    Cut 3/4 inch below the new bodice length and 3/4 inch above the new skirt length.

  3. Small diy mad men dress3

    The top will be smaller than the top. You basically cut out the middle.

  4. Small diy mad men dress4

    Right sides together, pin, ease and sew top to bottom. Be sure to match the sides front and back.

  5. Small diy mad men dress5

    Stretch some quarter inch elastic around your waist to the desired tension. Cut and sew onto seam allowance, stretching as you sew to create a gathered look.

  6. Small why yes mr 2

    Now you could walk right into Sterling Cooper with your steno pad and start taking dictation for Don Draper.

  7. Small diy 1960s inspired dress

    Have fun!