Cut Out + Keep

Teddy Bear Rattles

shake his head, he rattles! • Posted by Heather C.

pattern is from aranzi aronzo 's Fun Dolls. I found rattle inserts online and they weren't too expensive. I used new terry cloth towels to make this bears. hope you like them :D they remind me of gummi bears

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium bearrattles 1285215128 Medium bearrattle3 1285215140 Medium bearrattleo1 1285215151 Medium bearrattleg1 1285215192 Medium bearrattleb4 1285215204


pattern is from aranzi aronzo 's Fun Dolls. I found rattle inserts online and they weren't too expensive. I used new terry cloth towels to make this bears. hope you like them :D they remind me of gummi bears
