Tape Braclet

I wanted some jewelery so I made this!

Posted by Bianca P.


I don't like things that take to long to make or so hard that I scream
"FUDGECICLE CRAP!" so my head gave birth to this.


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Masking Tape
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Lobster Clasp

Steps (4 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    take two trips of masking tape (or more so it won't break) and cut them to the same size

  2. 2

    Stick you pieces together sticky side with sticky side so it won't stick to you

  3. 3

    Draw ya picture on ya piece of tape!

  4. 4

    Glue on your clasps and VAWLA! A custom made braclet.