Table Runner To Change With The Seasons

Easily change the look of your table to fit the season

Posted by CraftyStaci


This table runner only requires a few supplies, and it can be part of your decor year-round with a quick change of the paper


You Will Need (4 things)

  • 58 in Canvas Table Runner (14" wide)
  • 5 yd Canvas Fringe (1 1/2 wide)
  • 12 in x 12 inch Scrapbook Paper 3 pieces
  • 1 ¼ yd clear vinyl Clear Vinyl (minimum 13" wide)

Steps (11 steps, 90 minutes)

  1. 1

    All of the supplies for this project can be found at Canvas Corp, except for the vinyl.

  2. 2

    Press the table runner and canvas fringe to remove the wrinkles. Cut three vinyl squares 12 1/2". Overlap the fringe 3/4" under the edge of the vinyl. Stitch through both layers 1/4" from the edge of the vinyl. Repeat on all four sides. Stitch again 1" from the edge on only one side. Repeat for the remaining two pieces of vinyl.

  3. 3

    Pin one square in the center of the table runner with the vinyl edge down and the double-sewn edge facing one side of the runner.

  4. 4

    Center the other two squares between the first square and the end of the runner on each side. Stitch 1" from the outer edge of the square on three sides, leaving the double-stitched side open.

  5. 5

    Your fringe has probably unraveled a little at this point. Start pulling those threads to create a decorative edge. This step takes a while, but is oddly therapeutic. If you have trouble pulling the threads away, use a pin.

  6. 6

    I unraveled about 1/2" on the outside and 1/4" on the inside of each square. You can do more or less, depending on the look you prefer. Bonus points for finding a creative use for the pile of pulled threads.

  7. 7

    Slide scrapbook paper under the vinyl on the edge you didn't stitch down.

  8. 8

    You can use the same paper for all, or coordinate some prints.

  9. 9

    Another option is to cut out shapes and slide them under the vinyl, on top of the scrapbook paper.

  10. 10

    Because we've used vinyl, you can also write on the squares with a dry erase marker, like I've done with this calendar page. I would recommend testing the marker on a scrap of your vinyl first, to make sure it will erase well.

  11. 11

    Ready for whatever season is next on the calendar!