Cut Out + Keep

T Shirt Scraps: Hands Free Pin Cushion

t-shirt scraps to functional pin cushion • Posted by kat.applegath

Does everyone know how to fold over a long T-shirt scrap, sew, turn right side out and voila head band? Good, cause that's where I started, just hand sized. So I wouldn't be pricking myself in the back of the hand,I used a pill bottle lid as a base for the pillow padding that I wrapped in a large circle-cut scrap. Hand stitching it into a ball was a pain, I tried to fold it like the facets of a gem... Success? Not really... But it works and it's so much handier than that tiny tomatoe that came in a cheap kit.

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2 h 00


Medium 2014 04 02 172246 img 20140401 164341 Medium 2014 04 02 172256 img 20140401 164400 Medium 2014 04 02 173820 img 20140401 164310


Does everyone know how to fold over a long T-shirt scrap, sew, turn right side out and voila head band? Good, cause that's where I started, just hand sized. So I wouldn't be pricking myself in the back of the hand,I used a pill bottle lid as a base for the pillow padding that I wrapped in a large circle-cut scrap. Hand stitching it into a ball was a pain, I tried to fold it like the facets of a gem... Success? Not really... But it works and it's so much handier than that tiny tomatoe that came in a cheap kit.
