T Shirt Recon

recon t shirt, shirt, t-shirt, weareables, no sew, resize, cut tee

Posted by Zydonia


resize, don't sew


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Old Big T Shirt
  • Scissors
  • Marker

Steps (5 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    choose a big shirt to recon.

  2. 2

    Divide the front of the shirt into three parts and bends in one (I give it around so that the marks are not)

  3. 3

    Small rectangles mark about an inch of separation between them

  4. 4

    rectangles and then cut the clip out the middle. You can cut the neck if you want

  5. 5

    now wearing t-shirt (to adjust to your size) small knots tied with the two sides of the rectangles.

    and already completed!!!