Cut Out + Keep

T Shirt Quilts

For compulsive T-shirt hoarders • Posted by Heather O.

I made this about two years ago, I have made one for my sister as well (I can't find he file). I also have 3 cut out. There relatively easy to make.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


15 h 00


Medium 100 5506 1290486748 Medium dscn4583 1292215647


I made this about two years ago, I have made one for my sister as well (I can't find he file). I also have 3 cut out. There relatively easy to make.


  1. Collect a bunch of T-shirts about 10-20 depending on size. Find some border fabric and back fabric, I used two bed sheets one black and one colourful win size to fit my bed. buy batting, interfacing and thread

  2. Lay out bottom sheet and measure in width of order on all sides Start cutting all your t-shirts into squares and rectangles to fit in your drawn section DON'T FORGET SEAM ALLOWENCE

  3. Iron on interfacing on ever t-shirt piece to stiffen for easier sewing watch out for delicate decals and rhinestones those burn or come off on your iron sometimes. I used an applique pressing sheet to save my t-shirts

  4. Sew them all together. Be patient this takes time cut out and sew bored on edges

  5. layer batting, top and back together, sew all the way around and flip right side out

  6. finish by top stitching or sewing buttons on every t-shirt corner Sew patches in blank pieces and over tears

  7. Keep nice and warn :D