Support For A Climber (Willow)

A very easy and simple yet pretty support for your own climber plant!

Posted by Ida T.


A quick-ish support. Not so difficult to make, though I recommend having a friend/brother/mother/etc. helping. My mother helped out at the beginning, and it was a lot easier with two of us! The rest I managed to finish by myself.

//My very first tutorial!! I hope you like this, comment if you wish~


You Will Need (7 things)

  • Thin Willow branches
  • Flower Tape
  • strong String
  • Iron Wire
  • something to stuck into ground with

  • Bucket Of Water
  • Pliers

Steps (7 steps, 160 minutes)

  1. 1

    First off, cut the willow branches into the desired lenght. Mine were around 140 cm.
    They should be so thin that they bend, but strong enough to resist a bit.
    Bend them into a circle, and add string to hold the shape.

  2. 2

    Leave the circle into a water bucket for a couple of hours. It should be softened a bit.

    (photo from my phone, sorry for the quality.)

  3. 3

    Now start shaping! Firstly attach the bottom parts together: it's the middle point of your future support.
    Do a knot with strong string or use iron wire. I had string. Then cover it with flower tape.

  4. 4

    Attach the top parts together: leave around 30 cm remaining on each side.

    If you have branches with split endings, the better! Now you may attach them into the core.

  5. 5

    If you want a more elegant/different shape, just attach them differently. I simply took one ending from other side and attached it to the opposite side. Different highs! Attach with flower tape.

  6. 6

    Now the final step. Add something to stuck this support into ground with. I used a plastic-coated iron-based... thing? That comes along if you buy cheap fake flowers.
    Attach it WELL. It has to carry the weight of the plant!

    I've been putting flower tape during the whole process (here and there) but at least now you must add it, if you want a finished and clean appearance!

  7. 7

    Finished work! Now clean up and help your little baby plant to grow stronger!