Cut Out + Keep

Super Lily

There isn't enough pink in the world as far as my daughter is concerned. • Posted by Yvonne S.

This is what happens when you take a toddler to the fabric store with you :) She saw that pink superman fabric and started going on and on about a cape and pajamas. Pretty good rant for a 3 year old. :D So we bought a yard and set to work. Pj pants are pretty easy if you already own a pair. Just fold in half lengthwise and trace that onto your new fabric. I'm not a fan of measuring tho so I just eyeball, cut, and pray... Finish of pants with elastic and your good to go. The final step is to take whatever is left from your pants and finish off the edges in a good sized rectangle for the cape. Sew the snaps onto the shoulders of a t-shirt and the top pf your cape and you're ready to fly. Just remember to sew the flat part of the snap to the shirt so no one gets poked in their sleep :) (I recomend removing the cape before bed time so no one loses and arm getting tangled up while they fight of that dream squid) Enjoy! P.S. My Neighbor embroidered the shirt for us. She rocks! You can find her embroidery patches and the like at sewluckyembroidery

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 12 6 10 006 1311875441 Medium 12 6 10 005 1311875457 Medium 12 6 10 004 1311875475


This is what happens when you take a toddler to the fabric store with you :) She saw that pink superman fabric and started going on and on about a cape and pajamas. Pretty good rant for a 3 year old. :D So we bought a yard and set to work. Pj pants are pretty easy if you already own a pair. Just fold in half lengthwise and trace that onto your new fabric. I'm not a fan of measuring tho so I just eyeball, cut, and pray... Finish of pants with elastic and your good to go. The final step is to take whatever is left from your pants and finish off the edges in a good sized rectangle for the cape. Sew the snaps onto the shoulders of a t-shirt and the top pf your cape and you're ready to fly. Just remember to sew the flat part of the snap to the shirt so no one gets poked in their sleep :) (I recomend removing the cape before bed time so no one loses and arm getting tangled up while they fight of that dream squid) Enjoy! P.S. My Neighbor embroidered the shirt for us. She rocks! You can find her embroidery patches and the like at sewluckyembroidery
