Cut Out + Keep

Sunglass Necklace!

Based on Sunglass Necklace! by sweet nikki • Posted by EVEnl

I carved the glasses out of wood. I do have the plastic ones and I wanted to use them for this project but they're completely fine and I couldn't do it. I didn't like the light colour of the glasses so much so I stained the wood and now it looks more sophisticated.

You will need


2 h 15


Nice & Simple
Medium dsc01972 1313074265 Medium dsc01971 1313074288 Medium dsc01849 1313074384


I carved the glasses out of wood. I do have the plastic ones and I wanted to use them for this project but they're completely fine and I couldn't do it. I didn't like the light colour of the glasses so much so I stained the wood and now it looks more sophisticated.
