Cut Out + Keep

Summer Salad!

Super healthy summer salad • Posted by Ysanne

This quick, healthy and cheap meal is perfect for a random lunch or for simply using up left over vegetables!

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 109085 2f2015 05 28 171754 image


This quick, healthy and cheap meal is perfect for a random lunch or for simply using up left over vegetables!


  1. Small 109085 2f2015 05 28 172056 image

    Firstly, gather your ingredients as listed.

  2. Small 109085 2f2015 05 28 172253 image

    Prepare the vegetables. This involves chopping them.

  3. Small 109085 2f2015 05 28 172338 image

    Boil some water with some oil and a few tablespoons of turmeric powder. Then add the pasta. Cook for about 10 minutes or until cooked thoroughly.

  4. Small 109085 2f2015 05 28 172437 image

    Season the chicken breasts In a mixture of seasonings. I used a mixture of; turmeric, chilli powder, paprika, salt and pepper. Up then a dash of oil.

  5. Small 109085 2f2015 05 28 172612 image

    Sauté the pinion and garlic until golden or soft.

  6. Small 109085 2f2015 05 28 191108 image

    After the onion and garlic have been sautéed, add the; carrots, peppers and corn. Cook for about 1-2 minutes.

  7. Small 109085 2f2015 05 28 191335 image

    Drain the pasta. Make sure you retain some of the cooking water! Add the pasta and the runner beans to the rest of the veg.

  8. Small 109085 2f2015 05 28 191431 image

    Add the cooked chicken, add some of the retained water and if necessary, add some flour to thicken the dish.

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