Make this fabulous 60's style necklace that'll have you truly loved up!
N.B. On the diagrams, we have shown the violet strands in 2 slightly different shades to make the instructions easy to follow
Key West Witch added Summer Of Love Necklace to Jewelry 30 Jun 04:49
Kd L. favorited Summer Of Love Necklace 22 Dec 19:56
veronica f. favorited Summer Of Love Necklace 19 Dec 20:36
agneyi favorited Summer Of Love Necklace 01 Mar 12:20
agneyi commented on Summer Of Love Necklace 01 Mar 12:19
Joy A. added Summer Of Love Necklace to Jewerly 17 Feb 21:56
Dani A. added Summer Of Love Necklace to Macrame,etc 07 Nov 12:58
You Will Need
Step 1
To make the first side of your necklace cut 2 x 1m lengths of turquoise waxed cord and 2 x 2.5m lengths of violet waxed cord. Knot them together about 5cm from the ends. The 2 turquoise lengths will be the central strands and these are known as the ‘lazy cords’. The violet lengths will be your outside cords and these are the ones you knot with.
Step 5
When you wish to add a flower, pass one of the outside threads through the central hole of the flower and then continue knotting until you want to add your next bead. The charms are added in the same way. Repeat steps 2 to 3 until your piece is about 28cm in length and has about 7 beads (including flowers and charms) on it. After the last of the 7 beads, finish off with another couple of centimetres of knotting. Do not trim! Repeat steps 1 to 5 to make the second side.
Step 6
On one of your pieces, trim 3 of the 5cm ends you started at to about 2cm long. Add a leather crimp by inserting the 3 trimmed ends into the crimp and squeezing the end ring shut with flat nosed pliers. Repeat on the other piece. Add your hook to one side. Add a charm to each of the 2 remaining strands, knotting to secure.
Step 7
To join the two halves together, at the opposite end to the leather ends and hooks, knot all of the strands together, directly underneath the last knots. Thread all of the strands through one ceramic bead and knot underneath. On each strand add a bead or charm. Knot underneath the bead to secure in different positions so that the tassels hang at random lengths. Trim off any excess cord.