Cut Out + Keep

Subscription Card Artwork

Turn annoying magazine subscription cards in to beautiful artwork. • Posted by Mark Montano

You know how annoying it is to open a magazine and have to rip out all of the subscription post cards! I just hate it. I also hate when the fall out and make a mess. So I decided to use them for art and now when I open a magazine, I’m always happy to see them. I know it sounds nuts, but if you can make just a few things that annoy you work for you in some way, you’ll be a lot happier. Trust me on this! (Photography by Auxy Espinoza)

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0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium beauty 1 subscriptio 7f1d53 1237476409


You know how annoying it is to open a magazine and have to rip out all of the subscription post cards! I just hate it. I also hate when the fall out and make a mess. So I decided to use them for art and now when I open a magazine, I’m always happy to see them. I know it sounds nuts, but if you can make just a few things that annoy you work for you in some way, you’ll be a lot happier. Trust me on this! (Photography by Auxy Espinoza)


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    Working on some newspaper, tape around your subscription card 1/4 inch all the way around.

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    Fill in the area with your tempera paint. DON’T WORRY: If you can see the printing underneath, that’s part of the art!

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    When the paint dries, ink your rubber stamp with the embossing ink pad and press firmly onto the painted area, making sure to center the image.

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    Sprinkle the gold or silver embossing powder while the ink is still wet. (you will see the particles stick to the stamp's design). Set the embossing powder with your heat gun or hair dryer. DON'T WORRY: If your paper warps. Just press it overnight in between some books.

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    Remove the tape and place your card in a simple frame, and you've got some great art!