Stylish Planner Inspired Notebooks

Based on Stylish Planner Inspired Notebooks by Kin Dragon

Posted by Kin Dragon


This notebook was more song related then fashion related.
It was inspired by a number of things:
1.) Disney Descendents 3
2.) the ”Queen of mean” by Sarah Jeffery parody I made called “Get mean”( I’ll Post lyrics later)
3.) my recent emotions that I felt help me relate to the song.

All in all i’m very happy with how this cover turned out. Plus it’s the last notebook I used those cheap water colors on (glad that’s over and gone, the colors were great but they left a powder behind when ever they dried.)
I love how I made her look tough, but somewhat nice, threatening but friendly. To be honest it’s like I was drawing a mix of Mel and me instead of an alternate version of Audrey from the movie (despite how I used screen shots from Instagram that were taken originally taken when they were filming the scene where (spoiler) Audrey gets vengeful)
I also love how I made her staff into a somewhat discrete sheathed sword.
Anyway, I can’t wait to use this notebook in the future


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