Cut Out + Keep

Stuffed Froggie

a cute frog made from sraps • Posted by Steph Upperlip

i simply drew the shape of the frog on an old shirt and cut it through both layers, i hand sewed the 2 layers together (right sides facing each other) leaving an opening at the bottom of the shape, turn it right sides out and stuff it with polyester, i also used wires for the legs and arms to make it more stable... finally sewed the remaining opening at the bottom, and sewed tiny fabric for cheeks and eyes :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


3 h 00


Medium 070820111829 1313272370


i simply drew the shape of the frog on an old shirt and cut it through both layers, i hand sewed the 2 layers together (right sides facing each other) leaving an opening at the bottom of the shape, turn it right sides out and stuff it with polyester, i also used wires for the legs and arms to make it more stable... finally sewed the remaining opening at the bottom, and sewed tiny fabric for cheeks and eyes :)
