Cut Out + Keep

Strawberry Keychain

Cute keychain with link to tutorial • Posted by Brenda D.

I made a tutorial for this cute strawberry keychains. Here it is, as I promissed, the Strawberry keychain Tutorial. It's my first tutorial, so I hope everything will be clear!

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium aardbei 1274013887 Medium aardbei 2 1274013969


I made a tutorial for this cute strawberry keychains. Here it is, as I promissed, the Strawberry keychain Tutorial. It's my first tutorial, so I hope everything will be clear!


  1. Small voor internet kl 1274015394

    1. Gather your supplies. 2.Draw your pattern. Draw a circle with a diameter of 10 cm. How larger the circle how bigger your strawberry. Cut out a piece of the circle so you'll get a "pacman" shape ;). Draw also a petal shape. I choose for 3 petals, but you can also choose for 4. Place on fabric and cut out. 3. Fold fabric double with the good side inside and pin 4. Sew. I did it with the sewing machine, but if you haven't any, you can use a needle and threat. 5. Turn inside out and stich the whole top with a large stich so you can pull in to close. 6. Add some fiberfill, as many as you like

  2. Small voor internet kl d 2 1274015408

    7. Pull carefully on the threat so it will close and make a knot. 8/ 9 Make a hole in the middle of the felt pettals. Make a knot on the end of the ribben so you'll have a loop. Pull the ribbon through the felt hole. 10. This is the part where you can use the gun pistol if you have on. So yes. Glue the knot and the pettals on your strawberry. Use enough glue! When you did this, add the little flower. And add your key ring -If you don't, sew your !knot! and petals with a fine stitch on your strawberry- And tadaa! Here it is your own little strawberry keychain! Congratulations