Strawberry Cupcakes

cupcakes bursting with strawberries and flavour; easy recipe and look great!

Posted by Bobben


A recipe I made for cupcakes with real strawberries and strawberry flavour in them. Pretty easy and look great, and all natural flavouring and colouring!


You Will Need (7 things)

  • 1 large tub/punnet Strawberries
  • 400 g Icing Sugar
  • 2 Egg(s)
  • 125 g Sugar
  • 175 tsp Butter or Margarine
  • 125 g Self-Raising Flour
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Essence

Steps (3 steps, 50 minutes)

  1. 1

    Make the cupcakes:

    i) beat 125g sugar and 125g butter/margarine
    ii) add 2 eggs to this and whisk in
    iii)add a handful of chopped strawberries and 1tsp vanilla and fold in
    iv) fold in 125g flour
    v) bake in muffin cases in medium-warm oven (gas5) until golden on top
    vi) cool

  2. 2

    Make up the icing by adding about 6 mashed strawberries (mash with back of a fork) to 50g butter/marg and 400g icing sugar. Put this in an icing bag.

  3. 3

    Now decorate by icing the top of the cupcake and adding strawberries to the top! I also used some edible irridescent glitter to add sparkle.