Cut Out + Keep

Stir Fry Broccoli & Sea Vegetables

A fast, tasty & healthy stir fry! • Posted by Cat Morley

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0 h 05


Nice & Simple
Medium 110419 2f2015 08 13 150326 img 2391



  1. Small 110419 2f2015 08 13 144343 img 2384

    Boil the broccoli for 5 minutes until tender but not too soft. Strain and place to one side.

  2. Small 110419 2f2015 08 13 170812 img 2388

    Toast the cashews and sesame seeds with a little oil until golden.

  3. Small 110419 2f2015 08 13 150558 img 2389

    Add the broccoli and splash with a generous amount of soy sauce and small splash of balsamic vinegar. Remove from the head and mix in the sea veg.

  4. Small 110419 2f2015 08 13 144445 img 2391

    Sprinkle with chilli flakes and serve.