Cut Out + Keep

Steampunk Y Ring

Based on Steampunk Y Ring by Sybaritic Jewelry • Posted by Charity M.

I was so inspired by the gorgeous original, that I took the used pocket watches I had (you can get them from second hand stores for about 5 dollars or less- wrist watches work too)and spent an hour dismantling them and used super glue to meld most of the gears and rhinestones together on the face. I used a soldering gun to join the adjustable ring to the face. One pocket watch was a one-jewel watch,(a teensy ruby) which worked out complementing the faux stones I got out of broken earrings. I can honestly say this ring has bling.

You will need


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium dscf0011 1262488614 Medium dscf0010 1262489137


I was so inspired by the gorgeous original, that I took the used pocket watches I had (you can get them from second hand stores for about 5 dollars or less- wrist watches work too)and spent an hour dismantling them and used super glue to meld most of the gears and rhinestones together on the face. I used a soldering gun to join the adjustable ring to the face. One pocket watch was a one-jewel watch,(a teensy ruby) which worked out complementing the faux stones I got out of broken earrings. I can honestly say this ring has bling.
