Stamped, Old Spoon, Terrarium Windchime

Makers kit Jewelry stamping kit & Vial Terrarium Windchime

Posted by Recycled Miracles


I received the Jewelry Stamping kit and the Vial Terrarium from Makers kit to see what I could come up with. Booth kits gave ample amounts of materials, enough to make each kit with materials to make other crafts.
The stamping kit even came with a small hammer for stamping your items and the stamps are the perfect size for your crafts.
The Vial terrarium was surprise kit so I wanted to make something special with it also.
So I combined the two kits and here is my creation !!!!!
Also the soft "ting" the the tags and spoons make to amazing comforting.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Makers kit Jewelry Stamping Kit
  • Makers kit Vial terrarium
  • small Bottle
  • 4 Old Spoons

Steps (7 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    I started my windchime by using the jewelry stamping kit by Makers kit and used the tags and stamps to make words of happiness :-) The kit also came with rings to attach to the top of the tags.

  2. 2

    I found a piece of grapevine and twine, then hung the grapevine with 4 equal strings for the top of my windchime.

  3. 3

    I grabbed 4 old spoons we found at a flea market and the tags, then started hanging them from the grapevine. I have always loved the windchimes that are circular and goes from short to love.
    Originally I only added the stamped tags but realized it needed something more and that with where the spoons come in.

  4. 4

    Something was missing from my windchime and I could not figure out what. When I realized that it needed something hanging from the middle. After a long search I decided I loved this blue bottle we found on vacation once. I tried hanging that from the center when I realized, once again that it was missing something.
    I was going to use the vials in the kit but was afraid they might crack outside.

  5. 5

    So I added some of the vial terrarium supplies in my blue bottle. That was exactly what I needed. There are still enough supplies to finish the bottles that the vial terrarium came with.

  6. 6

    I glued a small cork I had to the bottle and then the hook into the cork. I completely loved the way the blue bottle terrarium looks.

  7. 7

    I attached the bottle with cord to the grapevine and realized I was done. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this windchime.
    We are getting ready to move into a redwood log cabin house that I feel this windchime will fit perfectly in :-)
    Thank you again to Makers kit for the great kits.