Stainless Steel Chainmail Mesh Ring

who knew tiny metal rings could feel like silky fabric

Posted by cynthia.goetzinger


Every few years chainmail jewelry comes into fashion. I fell in love with chainmail jewelry years ago when I bought a bracelet from Hot Topic. Since then, I taught myself to make chainmail jewelry. It is easy and fun. It also makes for some very stunning and intricate jewelry.

For instance, this "mesh" ring. It is made with 429 tiny 24 gauge stainless steel jumprings. By tiny, I mean 6 1/2 rings fit across a penny. These pictures show 9 rows of jumprings connected together in the European 4-in-1 weave (1 ring is connected to 4 others). However, I did add an additional 2 rows for 11 rows total.

If you have the time and patience and a basic working knowledge of weaving European 4-in-1 (it is the easiest weave to learn) then you can also make this beautiful ring that feels like silky fabric.


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 500 very fine gauge stainless steel Jump Rings
  • Flat Headed Pliers
  • Bent Nose Pliers