Cut Out + Keep

St. Patrick's Nail Art

Just changing colors and you can even match your crazy side. • Posted by justlori

Start with the base color and paint the entire nail. Next paint on the white on the tip. Then paint on the next color layering over the white but leave a little white showing. Again add anothe color with a samll detailing brush for the final stripe. Let dry between colors and when the nail is completely dry add a clear topcoat.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 001 1276391596


Start with the base color and paint the entire nail. Next paint on the white on the tip. Then paint on the next color layering over the white but leave a little white showing. Again add anothe color with a samll detailing brush for the final stripe. Let dry between colors and when the nail is completely dry add a clear topcoat.
