Cut Out + Keep

Spring Kitty Nail Art

Spring colors and a cat? What's not to love? • Posted by Liquid Jelly

I was in the mood for some spring nail art, so I decided to do some very simple patterned nails, hence the little Doritos. After I did the little triangles, I couldn't decide on what to put on my ring finger. I think I went through two different accent nails until I settled on this little cat design. To keep it simple, I didn't add any eyes. ^^ For more pictures and a full list of polishes used, visit my blog Liquid Jelly.

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0 h 30


Medium triangle kitty nail art 015 Medium triangle kitty nail art 010 Medium triangle kitty nail art 014


I was in the mood for some spring nail art, so I decided to do some very simple patterned nails, hence the little Doritos. After I did the little triangles, I couldn't decide on what to put on my ring finger. I think I went through two different accent nails until I settled on this little cat design. To keep it simple, I didn't add any eyes. ^^ For more pictures and a full list of polishes used, visit my blog Liquid Jelly.


  1. Small triangle kitty nail art 005

    Paint all your nails with mint nail polish. For the patterned nails, use a black striper polish to draw the triangles. Then fill them in with colors like white, lilac, and coral. Outline the triangles once more with black.

  2. Small spring kitty

    For the cat nail, start off by drawing a half circle on your tip with a black striper polish. Color in the half circle with black nail polish. Next, draw two small triangles for the ears. Dot lilac nail polish in them and re outline the ears. Now use the end of a bobby pin to draw a black heart. Make smaller coral dots in the black heart with a toothpick to color them in. If you need more help with drawing hearts, see this tutorial ( When you're done, seal your design with top coat and enjoy!