Spring Floral Nail Art

Spring floral nail art

Posted by Annlouise L.


Floral is my favorite print on clothes and on my nails! This is cute spring floral nail art that is easy and simple do to, everyone can do it!


You Will Need (5 things)

  • ½ Essie "First base" Base Coat
  • ½ Sephora "Jacuzzi" Nail Polish
  • China Glaze "White on white" Nail Polish
  • 1 Depend "391" Nail Polish
  • Essie "Good to go" Top Coat

Steps (4 steps, 15 minutes)

  1. 1

    Begin by painting your nails with a base coat that protects your nails and makes the nail polish fasten better.

  2. 2

    Paint your nails in a color you like. This is a spring nail art look and I prefer pastels. For this design, I chose a blue nail polish.

  3. 3

    This is the most difficult step. It's time to do the flowers! But it's not so hard, believe me! I used a nail art dotting tool but you can use a bobby pin for example. Add four small dots close to each other and then you have a flower! Simple as that!

  4. 4

    Paint a small dot of a color you like in the middle of the flower. Then add a top coat to seal your design and add a beautiful shine.