Cut Out + Keep

Spiral Ring

quirky fabric ring • Posted by Spyraleyes

This ring is crazy easy to make!

You will need

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2 h 00


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This ring is crazy easy to make!


  1. Small 2

    Gather your materials. You will need: • Hot glue gun • Glue sticks • Ring base • Scissors • Fabric • Yarn (optional) • Measuring Tape

  2. Small 2e3

    PROCEDURE: 1) Measure and cut out a thin rectangle on the fabric. It should be 1?2” x 8”.

  3. Small jhfhgjh

    2) Lay fabric flat then fold in half the long way and glue.

  4. NOTE:You don’t need to use yarn if you don’t want to. To make a ring that is just one color and no texture skip steps 5 through 8.

  5. Small dfssd

    3) Cut yarn 150cm. You’ll have extra because you should always cut extra whenever you make something. You can take away but you can’t add.

  6. Small 675

    4) Glue the end of the yarn to the end of the fabric.

  7. Small ewiou

    5) Wrap the yarn around the fabric, gluing every time it is wrapped over.

  8. Small fdjkdj

    6) When fabric looks like this picture cut away the excess yarn.

  9. Small dsfjdksljkl

    7) Twist and glue the fabric the tighter the better. Allow 20 minutes to dry.

  10. Small oui

    8) After it is dried remove any excess glue. Don’t stress if you can’t get it all because it will flake off on its own as you wear it.

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    9) To make the spiral start at the top and tightly roll the fabric.

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    10) Keep wrapping until the spiral is the size you want it then cut off the excess.

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    11) Trim away any excess glue.

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    12) Glue spiral to ring base and let dry for an hour.

  15. You’re done! Showcase your new ring! Please take pictures and share them so I can be CO&K famous! Enjoy!!

  16. NOTE: Be careful of hot glue burns. Every time I make these I end of burning myself and that is not happy.