Save me a glass :)
I'm not sure if everyone knows this or not. My mum's made it ever since I can remember but anyone I've mentioned it to has asked me what it is so I thought I'd share it with the world.
autumnrose.lee favorited Sparkling Guava Juice 27 Jan 01:25
Rikki L. favorited Sparkling Guava Juice 07 Mar 15:26
Shantelle t. added Sparkling Guava Juice to food!! 08 Dec 13:50
Grimgirl101 favorited Sparkling Guava Juice 20 Jun 21:52
Lena S. favorited Sparkling Guava Juice 29 May 16:53
You Will Need
Step 1
Pour guava juice and lemonade into a jug or bottle at a ratio of 1:1 or 2:1, depending on your taste preference.
1:1 will be thinner and sweeter
2:1 will be thicker and have more of the guava taste coming through.I prefer 2:1.
Step 2
This is optional, it's to decorate your glass (like I did in the picture).
Cut the lemon in half. Rub the rim of the glass onto it. Dip the glass into the caster sugar.
Put the glass into the fridge or freezer until you're going to use it to drink.