Soda Can Holder

soda can, upcycle, decor , accessories, candle holder, holder, cheap,

Posted by Pei Ching L.


Inspired by a upcycled decorative items found in the recycled center...


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Tweezers
  • Scissors
  • 1 Soda Can
  • Cutting Knife

Steps (10 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Cut the top of the soda can with a knife

  2. 2

    Beware! This can be very sharp!

  3. 3

    Cut the sode bottle into strips!

  4. 4

    I've cut into 36 strips.. it depends on the pattern you plan to make

  5. 5

    Slightly twist the strips and tie into a little pony tail using short can strips ( you cut from the top portion earlier)or you may use a fine wire

  6. 6

    Something like this!

  7. 7

    Use a tweezers to hold the tip of the strip and roll it all the way down like opening a sardine can.

  8. 8

    Like this!

  9. 9

    As I said earlier... I have 32 strips and I made a 'pony tail' out of 4 I have 8 patterns when I'm done. You can change to 62 strips and made something more define like a quilling pattern... that will be WOW!

  10. 10

    Repeat the sbove steps until you done with all the strips...and let's have a soda! Happy trying!