Cut Out + Keep

Sock Monkey Hand Puppet

More fun to make than using a smelly old sock, right? • Posted by Animator's Wife

This project was made for my reluctantly hipster husband several years ago, before sock monkeys were cool. Finished Size: 8” tall x 4.5” wide Skill Level: Intermediate. Materials: Color A (Shown: Tan) – 1 skein (162 yd) 4/worsted- weight yarn Color B (Shown: Cream)– 1 skein (162 yd) 4/worsted-weight yarn Color C (Shown: Red) – Scrap 4/worsted-weight yarn Size H-8 (5.0 mm) hook 2 15mm google eyes Stitch markers Yarn needle

You will need

Project Budget


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium sock monkey hand puppet


This project was made for my reluctantly hipster husband several years ago, before sock monkeys were cool. Finished Size: 8” tall x 4.5” wide Skill Level: Intermediate. Materials: Color A (Shown: Tan) – 1 skein (162 yd) 4/worsted- weight yarn Color B (Shown: Cream)– 1 skein (162 yd) 4/worsted-weight yarn Color C (Shown: Red) – Scrap 4/worsted-weight yarn Size H-8 (5.0 mm) hook 2 15mm google eyes Stitch markers Yarn needle


  1. HEAD & BODY Worked from top down. With Color B, ch 2. Rnd1. 6scin2ndchfromhook. 6sc. Rnd2. 2scineascaround. 12sc. Rnd3. Scinfirstsc,2scinnextsc,*scinnextsc,2scinnextsc;rep from * around. 18 sc. Rnd4. Scinfirst2sc,2scinnextsc,*scinnext2sc,2scinnextsc; rep from * around. 24 sc. Rnd5. Scinfirst3sc,2scinnextsc,*scinnext3sc,2scinnextsc; rep from * around. 30 sc. Rnd6. Scinfirst4sc,2scinnextsc,*scin next4sc,2scinnextsc;repfrom*around. 36 sc. Rnds 7-12. Sc in ea sc around. Change to Color A. Rnds 13-21. Sc in ea sc around. Change to Color C. Rnds 22-24. Sc in ea sc around. Change to Color A. Rnd 25. Sc in ea sc around. Rnd26. Scinfirst5sc,ch9,skipnext9sc, sc in next sc; first armhole made. Sc in next 7 sc, ch 9, skip next 9 sc, sc in next sc; second armhole made. Sc in last 4 sc. 18 sc and 2 ch-9 sp. Rnd27. Scinfirst5sc,9scinnextch-9sp, sc in next 8 sc, 9 sc in next ch-9 sp, sc in last 5 sc. 36 sc. Rnd28. Scinfirst5sc,2scinnextsc,*sc in next 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc; rep from * around. 42 sc. Rnds 29-34. Sc in ea sc around. Rnd35. Scinfirst6sc,2scinnextsc,*sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc; rep from * around. 48 sc. Rnds 36-49. Sc in ea sc around. Rnd 50. Sc in ea sc around. Join with sl st tofirstscinrnd. Finish off.

  2. ARMS – make 2. Worked from hand to shoulder. With Color B, ch 2. Rnd1. 6scin2ndchfromhook. 6sc. Rnd2. 2scineascaround. 12sc. Rnd 3. Sc in first sc, 2 sc in next sc, *sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc; rep from * around. 12 sc Rnds 4-9. Sc in ea sc around. Change to Color A. Rnds 10-17. Sc in ea sc around. Rnd 18. Sc in ea sc around. Join with sl st to first sc in rnd. Finish off

  3. Tail Worked from tip to base. With Color B, ch 2. Rnd1. 6scin2ndchfromhook. 6sc. Rnd 2. 2 sc in ea sc around. 12 sc. Rnds3-6. Scineascaround. Change to Color A. Rnds 7-23. Sc in ea sc around. Rnd 24. Sc in ea sc around. Join with sl st to first sc in rnd. Finish off.

  4. NOSE With Color B, ch 2. Rnd1. 6scin2ndchfromhook. 6sc. Rnd2. 2scineascaround. 12sc. Rnd3. Scinfirstsc,2scinnextsc,*scin next sc, 2 sc in next sc; rep from * around. 18sc. Rnd4. Scinfirst2sc,2scinnextsc,*scin next2sc,2scinnextsc;repfrom*around. 24 sc. Rnd 5. Sc in ea sc around. Rnd 6. Sc in ea sc around. Join with sl st to first sc. Finish off.

  5. EARS – make 2. Worked in rows, from inner ear to outer ear. With Color C, ch 7. Sc in 2nd ch from hook and next 4 ch, 3 sc in last ch; do not finish off. Rotate work and continue working in unused loops of foundation ch: sc in ea unused loop across; 3 sc in last unused loop. Join with sl st to first sc; finish off.

  6. INISHING Sew mouth onto center of nose. Stuff and sew nose onto head & body, taking care to center it on the stripe of Color A between Colors B and C, and between the two armholes. Sew ears onto either side of the head on the same stripe of Color A. Sew eyes above nose. Sew arms to armholes. Sew tail unstuffed and closed to center of back bottom edge of body. Weave in all ends.