Sock Martian

A fun and easy project with unlimited variations!

Posted by Janet S.


I originally made one of these as a prop for a play. With only a stray fuzzy sock, tennis ball, a couple of cotton balls and improvised stuffing from a plastic bag (talk about short notice) I cranked out a doll in about 3 hours.

The great thing about this project is that it's inexpensive and fast, and using the design as a base you can create infinite variations. Happy stitching!


You Will Need (5 things)

  • 1 A Sock
  • Stuffing
  • Yarn
  • Needle And Thread Match your sock color
  • 1 Tennis Ball

Steps (17 steps, 150 minutes)

  1. 1

    Start by shoving the tennis ball (stress balls work, too) down into the toe of your sock.

  2. 2

    Shape the face by stuffing cotton balls into the forehead, cheek and chin areas.

  3. 3

    Make a loop around the very bottom of the face for a neck
    . Stitch the head onto the shoulders. This keeps the head from flopping around.

  4. 4

    Stuff the body up to the heel part of the sock. Then, divide the remaining loose end of the sock into half. Remove the last few inches for arms. This should leave you with room for legs. Divide them up the middle and cut.

  5. 5

    Roll the rough edges inward, using small stitches sew the legs. You can use stuffing if you want sturdier legs.

  6. 6

    Gather the fabric to close up the feet. Stitch closed securely, hiding your knot.

  7. 7

    The arm prices should start out like this. The top most part of the sock where the hem is will be the hand.

  8. 8

    Roll the raw edges inward, fold the arm in half and sew shut. Once again, you can use more stuffing, but you don't have too if your sock is thick enough.

  9. 9

    Make a loop around the hand side and cinch tight.

  10. 10

    Stitch the arms to the body, rolling the raw edge under.

  11. 11

    Ta-da! You have a body. You can stop here and make it your own, or continue to see how to make a face and mowhawk.

  12. 12

    Embroider an eye where you like.

  13. 13

    Feed the needle through to the other eye. You can easily conceal knots along the neck line.

  14. 14

    Stitch on a mouth.

  15. 15

    To make a Mohawk, lay your yarn flat across the head and stitch up the middle.

  16. 16

    Stand it all up, sew across it back and forth to make it stay up.

  17. 17

    Make clothes out of other mismatched socks, and there you go! I call him Theremy. Look out for my many variations on this! Hope you liked my first tutorial :) can't wait to see other people's creative variations!