Sock Heat Pack

Ideal for cold hands. :)

Posted by Rach <3


This is really simple, and you can make it in seconds. :)

They can be used as heat packs to warm hands, or on any aches and pains.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Microwave
  • 1 Bowl Or Cup Of Water
  • Sock
  • 1 cup Rice Or Lentils

Steps (1 step, 5 minutes)

  1. 1

    1.Grab an old sock (Make sure it's clean and not full of holes. xD)

    2. Take some rice or lentils, (if using rice, make sure it's not "minute" or rice that cooks fast or it'll burn)and fill the sock up.

    3. Tie a tight knot in the end.

    4.Fill a cup or bowl with water.
    Place in the microwave with the sock. (Do not place the sock in the water, this just keeps it from drying out.)

    5. Heat for a few minutes in to microwave until it's warm.

    That's all there is to it.