Cut Out + Keep

Skin Grafts And Stiches

Rotting flesh, stiches, bloody wounds, missing eye • Posted by Ashley F.

I did this on my boyfriend as a zombie look: ) I used a paper mache technique with toilet paper and Elmer's glue in three places on his face with small gaps between them, I covered that with like 3 or four layers of liquid latex. I pulled a cotton ball apart and put it over his eye to protect it from the liquid latex and make up. I put the toilet paper over that and used latex to cover that as well. I put folds and creases through out to give it a little bit of a textured look but crumpling the toilet paper before sticking it down. Then you need to powder the latex to keep it from sticking to your needle when you sew the gaps together. Very carefully sew it together and don't pull the thread to tight or it won't look like stitches as it pulls the pieces together. Then I put red red face paint under the thread and then fake blood and clear lip gloss over it. I used white face paint to lighten his skin a put and black shadow in the contour areas. Use your paints and shadows to shade according to your folds and textured areas. Put clear lip gloss any where you want it to look extra gory! Happy haunting and thanks for looking!

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 45


Pretty Easy
Medium 66009 445735437326 512622326 5984765 4657812 n Medium 68304 445734747326 512622326 5984756 660831 n Medium 69107 445734957326 512622326 5984759 8318772 n Medium 67626 445735637326 512622326 5984767 7552213 n


I did this on my boyfriend as a zombie look: ) I used a paper mache technique with toilet paper and Elmer's glue in three places on his face with small gaps between them, I covered that with like 3 or four layers of liquid latex. I pulled a cotton ball apart and put it over his eye to protect it from the liquid latex and make up. I put the toilet paper over that and used latex to cover that as well. I put folds and creases through out to give it a little bit of a textured look but crumpling the toilet paper before sticking it down. Then you need to powder the latex to keep it from sticking to your needle when you sew the gaps together. Very carefully sew it together and don't pull the thread to tight or it won't look like stitches as it pulls the pieces together. Then I put red red face paint under the thread and then fake blood and clear lip gloss over it. I used white face paint to lighten his skin a put and black shadow in the contour areas. Use your paints and shadows to shade according to your folds and textured areas. Put clear lip gloss any where you want it to look extra gory! Happy haunting and thanks for looking!
