It'll be gone in minutes!
This quiche is absolutely delicious! I make it for my french class when we have culture days. Its really easy to make!
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Sunnie favorited Simple Quiche Lorraine 13 Feb 21:00
Emo Chick favorited Simple Quiche Lorraine 12 Jan 00:10
eleanorelectrical favorited Simple Quiche Lorraine 29 Apr 01:50
Jen C. favorited Simple Quiche Lorraine 24 Mar 15:11
Millie H. added Simple Quiche Lorraine to Food and drink 20 Mar 22:30
cristinakilljoyway favorited Simple Quiche Lorraine 27 Jan 15:53
elaina.nattrass added Simple Quiche Lorraine to Savory 19 Jan 19:30
Step 1
First, mix the cheese and flour together in a bowl.(the cheese doesnt have to be cheddar, you can use virtually any cheese you wish, although it must be shredded.) Pour the mixture into the pie crust and even out the mixture accross the bottom.
Step 2
Chop the ham into small, square bits and sprinkle it onto the flour mixture.(Again, this does not have to be ham, it may be canadian bacon,or regular bacon, you might even choose not to add ham. Its what you prefer.)
Step 3
In the bowl you just used, combine eggs, salt, milk, and ground mustard. Beat this with a fork or whisk, just like scrambled eggs. Make sure it is smooth and pour it evenly over the flour,cheese, and ham mixture. wait a few seconds for the eggs to seep into the flour. You know when its ready when it stops bubbling.
Step 4
Then Bake the quiche at 375 degrees F for 45 minutes. Be very careful putting this in the oven, because it is very easy to spill.
Step 5