Quick and easy pillowcase purse
Easy purse i found on another site, it was a brief how to that didnt give much detail so i had to figure most of it out my self. wasnt hard took about 20 mins for a super cute and easy recycled purse.
Sorry if any thing is unclear its my first tutorial....please post versions or feel free to ask a question if need be.
Brittney S. added Simple Pillow Case Bag to Made 07 Jul 05:45
Brittney S. added Simple Pillow Case Bag to Misc Other 07 Jul 05:45
Brigit favorited Simple Pillow Case Bag 09 Apr 07:10
You Will Need
Step 6
This parts a lil tricky to explain once the triangles are booked together you will end up with 4 loose edges(marked in red) one on the outside of both sides and one on both sides of the inside, this is where i found it easier to use hem tape along the edges and press it down according to the manufactures directions.
Step 7
Hem up the bottom edge, turn your purse right side out iron every thing flat again carefull of the places u glued or used hem tape on, tie a tight square knot out of the points of the triangles and wala a super simple purse that cost ya pretty much nothing , if u were like me and had pillowcases laying around that didnt match...
incase any one does happen to notice , yes the pics are of 2 different pillow cases, i was working on 2 purses at the same time... and forgot to take a pic while i was working on the one i was photographing... Have Fun!