Cut Out + Keep

Simple And Quick Fimo Flower Earrings

Perfect way to use of those little bits of Fimo you have leftover. • Posted by Green Duck

Size will depend on the size of your backing to your earring. I am use a 4mm back and my flowers were approx 10mm. I made these for New Year's gifts for friends.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium img 6812 Medium img 6813 Medium img 6793


Size will depend on the size of your backing to your earring. I am use a 4mm back and my flowers were approx 10mm. I made these for New Year's gifts for friends.


  1. Small img 6747

    Get together the colours you want to use. Make sure that the colour you are using is soft and pliable. This can be done by hand. The white bit is the cardboard. I used a piece that was about 1mm thick.

  2. Small img 6748

    Fold the cardboard in half and trim the base so both edges are the same. Pick your colour and roll into a ball. Then flatten slightly. My flatten ball is about 10mm across

  3. Small img 6764

    Using the cardboard like tweezers, pinch a little chunch of the clay, going around the circle. Try to squeese the same amount of clay for each pedal. This can be a bit tricky.

  4. Small img 6759

    I added a little yellow in the middle. The above example shows a 5 petals, however, I have done 7 and 5 petal flowers. I found 6 and 5 petals to be the easiest. 7 was a bit tricky.

  5. Small img 6769

    Bake according to the clay's instructions. Because these are so small, I halved the baking time then turned off the oven and let it all cool gradually. (I don't know if this is correct, but it felt right at the time.)

  6. Small img 6784

    Once cooled, glue the flower to the earring backing and let dry. For drying: I found it was best to dry these so they were vertical. So I put some extra clay down as a base, put in the earring, added glue and put the flower on top. (I tried to glue them and just set them down but the flower started to slide and it wasn't centred.)

  7. Small img 6794

    All finished!