Cut Out + Keep

Shibori Fabric Manipulation

use everyday items to add texture to your fabric • Posted by Alix Marie Abram

fro my latest college project, I based my garment on The Enigma Code. I wanted to reflect the keys of the machine, and discovered this technique!! it is so easy and has amazing outcomes.

You will need

Project Budget


10 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 107642 2f2015 02 23 122633 cam00824 Medium 107642 2f2015 02 23 122743 cam00797 Medium 107642 2f2015 02 23 122842 cam00839


fro my latest college project, I based my garment on The Enigma Code. I wanted to reflect the keys of the machine, and discovered this technique!! it is so easy and has amazing outcomes.


  1. Small 107642 2f2015 02 23 124200 cam00676

    you need about twice as much fabric as you need, this is because the fabric will shrink as the coins are used. you don't have to use coins, marbles and beads work as well. (depending on the effect you want.)

  2. Small 107642 2f2015 02 23 124300 cam00678

    hold the coin under the fabric and tie string around it, enclosing the coin in the fabric. this can be repeated evenly or randomly.

  3. Small 107642 2f2015 02 23 124543 cam00679

    once all the coins are secure in the fabric, it will be heavy! this stage will also take a very long time depending on the size you want.

  4. Small 107642 2f2015 02 23 124700 cam00680

    this is what the underside looks like. (pretty cool!)

  5. Small 107642 2f2015 02 23 124736 cam00681

    the next step is to boil the fabric! fill the saucepan with water just above where the fabric comes to. boil for 45 mins, or until all the water has evaporated (whichever is first)

  6. Small 107642 2f2015 02 23 124939 cam00824

    this is the fabric I used for my project. once the fabric has boiled, let it dry naturally. once bone dry, take all the coins and string from the fabric-another time consuming process but worth it! if you are adding this technique to a garment, I recommend backing it with more fabric. the only problem with using coins is that the colour ay run... you do get wonderfully bright coloured coins afterward though! I got orange, red, blue and pink ones!!!!