A simple way to display your collection of shells - without them being ruined!
When I brought a whole truck load of shells back from one of my many adventures, decorating a box with them was one of the things I had in mind to create - only I thought it would be a bit easier! The reason why I said the difficulty was 'So So' because you need a lot of patient!
I hope you enjoy this project!
Step 1
Collect together your equipment and find a cloth or mat to cover your work surface while you are using the glue-gun.
Plug the glue-gun in to warm up.
Step 2
Arrange the shells in a pattern so that you know where you want to stick them them.
Step 3
Glue all the shells on - being careful not to burn yourself!
Leave to dry for about 10 minutes to make sure it is very secure.
Step 4
Ta Da! A gorgeous little shell box to keep your holiday memories in!