Scratch Free Stylus

why waste money on something for free?

Posted by Lisa G.


Recently I purchased a touch screen mp3 player and wanted to buy or make a stylus. I've search youtube and metacafe vids for stylus and although they seemed good,people were asking the same question: Will it scratch my screen? I know the pen ones will and I've tried the eraser ones only to find they leave eraser smudges,so I figured out how to make one that wouldn't scratch or smudge my screen : Q-tip, aka cotton swabs. I can get 500 of them for a dollar at dollar tree. :D they work great,wont scratch my screen,good for cleaning the screen and to make it extra strong i taped a craft stick to it.
And if you loose one,there's a billion others to spare :D


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 1 Q Tips or the long kind docs uses
  • 1 (optional) Craft Stick(s)
  • (optional) Transparent Tape