Scented Wax Warmer "feet" via Sugru
When I bought my scented wax warmer, after the first few days I noticed how WARM it really got underneath. Now, we're talking a low temp melt wax, and seriously, it's warmed by a little light bulb, but it got warm enough that I had started sitting it on a small ceramic plant dish. After getting a package of Sugru, it says that it can withstand temps of up to 356 degrees F! So, knowing that my little warmer doesn't get anywhere close, I decided to make some little feet to raise it off the surface of the furniture.
Jessa K. published her project Scented Wax Warmer "Feet" 25 Jun 19:20
You Will Need
Step 2
Now, open your packet and divide the Sugru into four equal parts. Mush those parts, and roll into balls. Once you have your four balls, gently press them onto the bottom of your warmer. To make sure it'll not be crooked when it's cured, quickly set your warmer with the feet facing down onto a solid, flat surface for a second or two, just to be sure it's even and level. Make sure not to squish it flat!
Step 3
Next, flip it back over so the feet are facing up, and set it aside to cure for 24 hours.
Step 4
Once it's cured, flip it upright and use as normal. That's it- Easy as can be!